This is a hiphop beat with thrilling strings, brass and glitch noise. It's not as fast as grime beat (BPM is 136) but I tried to make this beat sounds like it.
I use Logic Pro X to make this beat. All instruments are Logic's but the effects of Glitch 2 (Available here and mastering tool I use is iZotope Elements.
I came up with the idea of strings and tried to build the music so that it can be aggressive and intense. I like the sound of strings that Logic creates.
I use glitch for drums so that it sounds flamboyant. I also thought that repeating this aggressive beat might tire audience. So I made a break that features glitch for transition and different rhythm pattern.
I hope you enjoy this beat and I would like to hear what you think.
Thank you.
If you are a rapper or a singer, looking for a beat to perform on, you can purchase this beat. Please visit the airbit site;