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Quantity, quality and creativity


I'm currently making beats. I'm trying to make them as many as possible. It is said that to get quality, quantity matters. I'm getting to know that this is right. By making more beats, I have to make them faster. To make them faster, I have to make templates. Templates seem to be opposite of creativity. But I think it is a very creative process. It is creation of a style. To establish your own style is very important in creative works.

You get your own style by knowing many templates. I'm not English native but by adapting many templates (in other words). I can communicate in English.

Music is same. You listen to many types of music. You know there are many patterns and there are patterns you like. For me, they were punk rock, techno, hiphop or minimalism in general. I can make music by mixing up what I like. Sometimes it works, sometimes doesn't.

So you need to know many templates and, by working on quantity, you can get quality.

Visit my airbit page for my beats! Thank you for reading.





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