I have to announce that I have changed my project name from Krystal Karma to KILLOZOPHES. This is due to the fact that the name Krystal Karma is not quite unique and there are many search result with that name. I liked the name Krystal Karma because it is mystic and suited my music. But I had to change for strategic purpose.
But, KILLOZOPHES is quite unique name! KILLOZOPHES comes from french word philosophes (meaning philosophers). I replaced first P with K because K is my initial. It became kilosophes. As KIL is one letter short of KILL, I added L. Now it is killosophes. Finally, it became KILLOZOPHES because S in philosophes in French sounds Z.
This artwork is made by my brother HUGA. He is doing some textile things. We are going to work as a team!